Bangsa Yahudi memang terkenal dengan kebijaksanaan terutama dalam mengadu domba manusia!
Seberapa ramai Nabi-Nabi dan Para Rasul yang berasal dari kaum ini dan mati dibunuh sendiri juga oleh kaum yang sama!
Kemahiran memanipulasi, perancangan strategik, perang saraf mahupun pelan-elan kecemasan adalah antara kehebatan yahudi ini.. Mungkin itu yang menarik sangat bagi Najib dan UMNO!
Harus diingat.. dendam Yahudi terhadap Islam!
Takkan berakhir!
Jika benar, alangkah keji dan hinanya UMNO sanggup mengupah bangsa yang sangat-sangat memusuhi Islam dan Palestin!
sunsnake 23032010
Tel Aviv
Israel is a technologically advanced market economy with a highly skilled and well-educated workforce.
A recognized leader in technology industries, Israel's investment in research and development is higher than any other single Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD) member country.
Contact Us:
- Gad Ben-Ari
- managing director
Tel Aviv - +972.3.766.2600
- Bet Zamir
- 22a Raoul Wallenberg Street
- Ramat Hahayal 69719
- Israel
APCO Worldwide in Tel Aviv helps clients navigate the complex international business and regulation arena in Israel. We also assist multinational companies in understanding Israel’s unique political and business climate, which operates in a dynamic setting facing constant changes and challenges.
Our team offers clients a comprehensive range of services. Our understanding of the local market as well as our global expertise gives clients an essential advantage in achieving their business objectives.
Key services include:
- market entry:
With offices in the world’s business and political hubs, APCO in Tel Aviv helps Israel’s fast-growing companies ensure a smooth launch into new markets. This includes a thorough assessment of the regulatory framework, potential market and partnership opportunities, as well as advising on an appropriate investment structure. - corporate responsibility:
The Tel Aviv office is recognized as one of Israel’s leading corporate responsibility firms and assists clients in developing environmental, social and governance programs. - issues management:
Leveraging Israel’s time zone and multi-language capabilities, we provide APCO’s clients across the globe with media monitoring, back-desk market research and issue analysis services. - Jewish community networking:
APCO’s Tel Aviv office helps clients navigate the Jewish world. Our staff has extensive experience and close ties to major Jewish and Israeli organizations with a global presence. We offer a comprehensive understanding of Jewish public affairs and help clients make the right contacts and convey their messages creatively and efficiently to Jewish audiences and communities worldwide.
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